Carpet Cleaning Technology: From Soap and Water to Steam and Beyond

Cleaning has changed a lot as we have evolved in technology. Simple soap and water were used at first in carpet cleaning. These days, sophisticated technology has completely changed the process of professional carpet cleaning services. This has happened in the time of more than a hundred years in a complex and fascinating manner. Let’s look at the history of carpet cleaning technologies. Its changes over time might surprise you.

Days of Soap and Water

Early on, we used the most basic methods. Just water and soap. Carpets used to be hand scrubbed, and a lot of work went into it. Many times, dirt remained ingrained in the threads. So, the dirt was still there even though everything appeared cleaner.

Mechanical Brush Introduction

Mechanical carpet sweepers were invented in the latter part of the 1800s. These brushes were rotated as we pushed them across the carpet. That simplified cleaning. They cleaned up surface dirt well. But deep cleaning was still not discovered.

Big Advance with Vacuum Cleaners

Vacuum cleaners arrived at the beginning of the 20th century. By use of suction, these machines gathered dirt and changed everything about cleaning. They took out the dust that had become entrenched. Nowadays, these devices are everywhere.

Cleaning with Steam: A new era

Hot water extraction, or steam cleaning, revolutionized the industry of carpet cleaning services. This approach mixes cleaning chemicals with hot water. Pressure is applied to the carpet with steam, and it is then vacuumed out right away. This procedure gets rid of residues and grime by reaching the fibers at a depth.

Encapsulation and Dry Cleaning

Dry and encapsulation cleaning has grown in popularity recently. Water is not used much in dry cleaning. Some special chemicals are sprinkled on the carpet and they are swept away after absorbing the dirt. These techniques work fast. They let carpets be used practically right away. Many businesses use this technique of cleaning.

Green Cleaning Solutions

Green cleaning methods have come up in response to the increasing environmental concerns. Best carpet cleaning company use this kind of cleaning that leaves less of a chemical waste and presents a better substitute for conventional techniques.

Many cleaning service providers now use these techniques to offer good solutions for carpet cleaning. Advanced steam cleaning, dry and encapsulation methods, and eco-friendly products can easily tackle deep-seated dirt, allergens, and stains. Similar technologies are also used in tile floor cleaning services to ensure impeccably clean and refreshed floors.

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D & G Carpet Cleaning: Trusted Carpet Grout Cleaning Experts New Orleans

When you look at your house, do you think that it is entirely clean? With a normal glance, you might not be able to realise how much dust and germs settle on the surface of the carpet and the floors of your house, but when you observe very carefully, you will find fine particle settle on them which can be dangerous for your family. These dust particles not just affect the health of your family, but even makes the house look dull and unappealing. Thus, it is a very important that you clean your house at regular intervals. But sometimes, it is not enough to just vacuum your carpets and furniture; you require a professional team of cleaners who can clean the carpet efficiently. For carpet cleaning services, you don’t have to look any further than D & G Carpet Cleaning in New Orleans. It’s the leading company that offers the finest services at competitive prices.

D & G Carpet Cleaning is a local family-owned business based in New Orleans. The company offers services like rug cleaning, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, grout cleaning, tile cleaning and more. The company extends it extraordinary services to both residential and commercial clients. Over the years, the experts at this company have never failed to live up to the expectations of the clients by proffering them nothing less than the best services. They have received positive comments by their former clients which you can read on their website to get a better understanding of what they are capable of doing. They understand that you can’t trust any random person with the valuables of your house, thus they prefer interacting with you first so that you can know them well before you allow them to enter your property.

If you are interested in availing grout cleaning or carpet cleaning services from D & G Carpet Cleaning in New Orleans, you can always go to their website and fill in the form of enquiry to get a free quotation. If you have any doubts regarding the company policies, charges or anything else, you should reach out the customer support team that will rightly provide you with appropriate answers to your questions. So, stop wondering and start taking actions of hiring the best cleaners in town only with D & G Carpet Cleaning.

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Hire Professional Carpet Cleaners for Better Results

Sometimes cleaning is a fun task, sometimes it’s not. And especially not when you have to clean the stubborn coffee or wine stain from your carpet. Even though carpet should be cleaned regularly, we avoid doing it and you will agree if you also do the same. Do you know why we often ignore this work? It’s simply because even after cleaning the carpet, it gets dirty in a couple of days. And cleaning the entire carpet is quite a hectic task. But this does not mean that you should keep dirty carpet in your house.

If you can’t do the work on your own, you can always hire a good and trusted carpet cleaning company for the work. To some people, hiring carpet cleaning professionals may sound like a major expense. But actually it’s better to get the carpet cleaned professionally because neither you have the right tools nor you know how the work is done. And the professionals have everything – talent, equipment, experience, and knowledge.

Are you still not convinced? Don’t worry! Here we have listed a few points that you can read to change your mind for good. So, let’s get started.

Children and Pets in House: Do you have children and pets in your house? If yes, you would know how hard it is to keep the house clean. But at the same time, it is very important. So, you should hire a good company if you want the carpet to get thoroughly cleaned.

Tough Stains: Sometimes, we think that the detergent we have might remove the stain on the carpet. But little do we know that the stains are tough and can only be removed by professionals.

Easier maintenance: If you don’t want to spend your weekend in cleaning a carpet, you should hire professionals.

If you are convinced, you can check the website of D & G Carpet Cleaning and can get excellent carpet cleaning service. The company was started with an aim to offer incredible carpet cleaning, rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and other services.

The best thing about D & G Carpet Cleaning is that it only works with skilled and professional people. The professionals working with this company are trained and know how the work is done. So, if you are interested, you can visit the website of D & G Carpet Cleaning for more details.

About D & G Carpet Cleaning:

D & G Carpet Cleaning is a leading upholstery cleaning company that you can contact to avail outstanding services.

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Contact the Prominent Rug Cleaners in New Orleans for Cleaning Services

A clean house is really important for maintaining a healthy and stress-free atmosphere for you and your family. Surely, a well-organized and clean surrounding is all everyone needs to spend their time after an anxious and chaotic day, but what if you do not get the same when you get home? That is why, it is better to clear the junk from your house to have a dirt and dust free home. When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your house, cleaning rugs and carpet is the important aspect that you should address on priority. But, if you are thinking of cleaning them on your own, it will be a terrible mistake. It is a really complicated and hectic task as cleaning rugs or carpets is not exactly everyone’s cup of tea and it’s not as easy as it might seem. Even, it will consume your time and effort and you would not get the result that you are looking for. That is why it is suggested that you should consider hiring the services of a rug and carpet cleaning company.

D&G Carpet Cleaning Team New Orleans-1
The team of professionals is suitable to perform the task of cleaning the rugs and carpets in a proper manner. Moreover, with the help of high-tech equipment and tools, it will be easy for them to provide their customers with top-notch services. You don’t have to concern about the dirt or stains on the carpet once you get in touch with the experts. Professional rug cleaners use the right technique for upholstery cleaning and rug cleaning. In order to maintain a dirt-free atmosphere, you need to look after your rugs and carpets time after time as it makes no sense to invest in these household materials all over again; rather you can get it clean with the help of carpet cleaning professionals. So, you must look for a prominent carpet cleaning company in your region to acquire excellent services.

D&G Carpet Cleaning is the eminent rug cleaning service providers in New Orleans and they are committed to providing the best customer services. No matter what, their professionals will outperform to remove dust, dirt, stains, bacteria, all kinds of odors, etc. to give you an absolutely sanitized rug or carpet. Their staff consists of highly experienced professionals who will ensure your carpets will get clean properly without any damage. Their services are far superior and budget-friendly as well, so you can rely on D&G Carpet Cleaning.

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Enhance the Appearance of Carpet through Professional Service

Almost everyone has updated their personal as well as professional place with the unique range of carpets. Though there are various types of flooring available in the market, but carpet is something that adds an extra charm to the appearance of your place. Most of the people prefer carpets over other types of flooring as because carpet comes in a vivid range. Not only this, carpets are also proven to maintain the temperature of the house; thus keeping the place warm enough to stay comfortably. As far as hygiene is concerned, carpets are known to trap the bacteria’s and other dust particle which can hamper your health. As upgrading your home or office with carpet is a costly affair, so you should select a carpet that truly matches your style. Apart from this, you should also hire professionals for the carpet cleaning service so that your carpet remains fresh and keep away from any stain.

There is a whole range of carpets that is available in the market from nylon, fur, polyester to woolen that you can select. As you are investing so much on the carpet, so it is important for you to look for a professional service that will eliminate the dinginess from your carpet. Look for the finest cleaning company that can offer you complete range of upholstery cleaning as well.

So, if you are living in New Orleans then you can trust the service of D & G Carpet Cleaning. The professional of the company are extremely trained and thus, cleans your precious belongings by using their advanced method of cleaning. There are various advantages of working with D & G Carpet Cleaning such as they provide you expert cleaning service at very reasonable rates, they use eco-friendly cleaning products plus they thoroughly and quickly dry your belongings. D & G Carpet Cleaning is expert in cleaning following things:

· Pet odor

· Water damage

· Tile and grout cleaning

· Rug cleaning

· Carpet cleaning

In order to deliver the finest cleaning service, the experts of D & G Carpet Cleaning initially examines the things that is require to clean and then execute their cleaning work. With their high quality work, D & G Carpet Cleaning is ready to provide the uttermost satisfaction. Apart from cleaning services, this firm also publishes various helpful tips on cleaning that you can read by visiting their website.

For more details, visit

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