Carpet Cleaning Technology: From Soap and Water to Steam and Beyond

Cleaning has changed a lot as we have evolved in technology. Simple soap and water were used at first in carpet cleaning. These days, sophisticated technology has completely changed the process of professional carpet cleaning services. This has happened in the time of more than a hundred years in a complex and fascinating manner. Let’s look at the history of carpet cleaning technologies. Its changes over time might surprise you.

Days of Soap and Water

Early on, we used the most basic methods. Just water and soap. Carpets used to be hand scrubbed, and a lot of work went into it. Many times, dirt remained ingrained in the threads. So, the dirt was still there even though everything appeared cleaner.

Mechanical Brush Introduction

Mechanical carpet sweepers were invented in the latter part of the 1800s. These brushes were rotated as we pushed them across the carpet. That simplified cleaning. They cleaned up surface dirt well. But deep cleaning was still not discovered.

Big Advance with Vacuum Cleaners

Vacuum cleaners arrived at the beginning of the 20th century. By use of suction, these machines gathered dirt and changed everything about cleaning. They took out the dust that had become entrenched. Nowadays, these devices are everywhere.

Cleaning with Steam: A new era

Hot water extraction, or steam cleaning, revolutionized the industry of carpet cleaning services. This approach mixes cleaning chemicals with hot water. Pressure is applied to the carpet with steam, and it is then vacuumed out right away. This procedure gets rid of residues and grime by reaching the fibers at a depth.

Encapsulation and Dry Cleaning

Dry and encapsulation cleaning has grown in popularity recently. Water is not used much in dry cleaning. Some special chemicals are sprinkled on the carpet and they are swept away after absorbing the dirt. These techniques work fast. They let carpets be used practically right away. Many businesses use this technique of cleaning.

Green Cleaning Solutions

Green cleaning methods have come up in response to the increasing environmental concerns. Best carpet cleaning company use this kind of cleaning that leaves less of a chemical waste and presents a better substitute for conventional techniques.

Many cleaning service providers now use these techniques to offer good solutions for carpet cleaning. Advanced steam cleaning, dry and encapsulation methods, and eco-friendly products can easily tackle deep-seated dirt, allergens, and stains. Similar technologies are also used in tile floor cleaning services to ensure impeccably clean and refreshed floors.

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D&G Carpet Cleaning: Unrivaled Quality and Unbeatable Results!

Carpet cleaning can be a tricky task. You can’t do it alone and you need help to make sure your carpets look clean and fresh all the time. If you want reliable, professional carpet cleaning services, you should hire D&G Carpet Cleaning. Here are some reasons:


D&G Carpet Cleaning has a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals. They use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that your carpets are cleaned properly and efficiently. Their experts are highly trained and certified, so you can rely on them to get the job done right.


D&G Carpet Cleaning is dedicated to providing reliable services that customers can count on. They use high-quality cleaning products that are sure to get your carpets looking like new again. They also guarantee their work, so you know that you won’t have to worry about any unexpected surprises.

Customer Service

D&G Carpet Cleaning understands that customer service is key in any business. They make sure to provide professional and friendly customer service to all their clients. From the initial contact to the completion of the job, they make sure that their customers are satisfied with their services every step of the way.

Rug Cleaning

Not only do they provide carpet cleaning services, but they also specialize in rug cleaning as well. They have years of experience in cleaning all types of rugs such as Persian, Oriental, and even modern rugs. With their expertise, they can make sure that your rugs look beautiful and clean once again.

Tile Floor Cleaning

D&G Carpet Cleaning also offers tile floor cleaning services. They use advanced techniques to restore your tile floors to its original condition. With their expertise, you can be sure that your tile floors will look better than ever before.

And more

D&G Carpet Cleaning offers a variety of other services such as grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and stain removal. They’ll make sure that every part of your home looks clean and fresh with their professional services.


These are just some of the reasons why D&G Carpet Cleaning is the best carpet cleaning company in the business. With their professionalism, reliability, customer service, and more, you can be sure that your carpets and rugs will look amazing after they’re done with them. So, if you’re looking for a reliable carpet cleaning service, look no further than D&G Carpet Cleaning!

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Avail the Best Kind of Carpet Cleaning Services from D&G Carpet Cleaning

Everybody should know the importance of keeping the carpet clean. More often than not, people think that normal vacuuming is enough to keep the carpet clean, but they are sadly mistaken. Regular vacuuming cannot remove the dirt and dust that have been embedded deep within the layers of the carpet. Have you ever wondered that if you ignore its maintenance, you and your family member can suffer from major health consequences? And if you don’t want to suffer from them, then, only oriental rug cleaning New Orleans can help you out. There is a lot of dust, dirt, and germs that remain under the carpets even after vacuuming that only professionals can remove. So it is very important for everyone to avail the services of a cleaning company.

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Apart from this, there are many reasons why one should keep their carpet clean, which are –

  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Increased Life Expectancy
  • Clean and Shiny Home
  • Enhanced Ambiance
  • Reduced Noise
  • Mite Removal

So, if you want to avail all these benefits so that you and your family members can stay away from several health issues, then you can take the help of professional carpet cleaners. Taking their services not only mean that your house is dust and allergen free, but also that your carpet always looks as good as new. D&G Carpet Cleaning is a family based company which provides a wide range of cleaning services in many categories such as- carpet cleaning, rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning, hardwood floor care, house cleaning, etc.

The best and amazing part of availing the services of these rug cleaning New Orleans is that they use hot-water removal method to clean your important and precious carpet because they understand that your carpet is expensive and one cannot spend money on it again and again. So, the team makes sure to give the best possible results.

All the technicians of the company are well-experienced in this field, and all the equipment, tools and chemicals that they use are Eco- friendly and it doesn’t harm any animal, human and even the environment. If you are busy in your work or are stuck in the heavy schedule, then don’t fret because D&G Carpet Cleaning provides the best tile and grout cleaning New Orleans services as well. They are ready to provide the furniture and carpet cleaning services on the weekends too.

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